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Sometimes you just have to remove people without warning

Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in /home3/wahlcm0aesau/public_html/wp-content/themes/mts_splash-child/functions.php on line 43

Toxic people will not change their behavior. Your only defense is to remove yourself from their world and move on to healthier friends and colleagues. Life is too short to waste a day trying to “fix” them. You have your own work to do on yourself. ~ Linda Corey 

Some people are toxic. If you have given someone like this chance after chance after chance, and they are not changing, then you must do what you can to free yourself from that toxic person. It’s called self preservation. Keeping yourself healthy and happy by letting them go is never wrong. And you don’t need to explain that ever. ~ Desiree Danley 

This heavily depends on who they are, and what your relationship is with them, but even if they’re not very close or significant to you I’d say without warning might be a bit too quick. I think you should explain it clearly to them once, then give a shorter reminder the 2nd time, the 3rd time it’s done. Yes, people shouldn’t just be given up on, but there is a point where we need to understand that we can use our time and emotions in a more useful manner.

If, after discussing the behaviour with the other person, and providing encouragement to correct the behaviour without success, then, in these situations it is best to remove oneself from such people. We should not simply write people off, but we also need to protect our own well being. ~ Mamase Home 

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