Life is a school….. Time is the teacher… We are the students….. Every exam is a lesson to deal with difficulties… The day I ‘let go’ of the ex and all things connected to her was all of a sudden I got back to me and found what …
Life is hard, with no birthright guarantees it is going to be an easy journey. The best we can do is start with ‘OURSELF’ and accept each challenge as a learning experience, accept it, acknowledge it and do the best to work through it. LIFE is the experience …
I have a few friends that always check on me to see how I am doing. They know who they are, and for that I thank them, and also my family. ~ Patricia Piccola Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
I love nature, children, & just enjoying each day & whatever it brings. True inner peace will come to you if you just don’t let materialistic things get in your way. ~ Nellie Fike ‘Stop and smell the roses’ is cliche, but have you stopped, really taken a moment …
Faith takes you to the next day! Pray every day that the Lord will guide you through the day and help you in every trail and tribulation. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Always be aware not every persons that smile at you is friend! Life is so much happier and peaceful when the users are removed. The drama goes away. My only regret is not listening to the words of my family and best friends that this person was. Not …