Bad times don’t last longer in life

Bad times don’t last longer in life… Right now taking it day by day, and trying my hardest to stay positive. Some days seem easier than others. ~ Jennifer Shaw  My everything has been repaired and healed. I’m happy again. I m just waiting patiently for that special …

It’s your road & yours alone

Each moments is our lifetime Our today’s mirror our tomorrow. We are master of all we survey. We are captain of this troubled ship. Keep what you have and thank who has kept you. I am thankful for those who left walking with me and I am thankful for …

The less you worry about what people think about you

The less you worry about what people think about you the less complicated life becomes. We need to stay in tuned with everyone. The difference is that we should try to not be affected by negativity, but embrace positivity. We are all one. Every race, every being, every …

Two Best cures for anything

Laughing changes your mood automatically and things never seem as bad after a good nights sleep. I suffer from chronic pain due to a back injury & fibromyalgia but I surround myself with people that keep me laughing. Being in pain may make it hard to laugh but …