However long it takes, how frustrating it can be, how lonely you may get, don’t rush anything, take time to reflect and when it’s right whenever that may be, you will be happier. Your happiness may not be a lasting thing like in the past, but just a …
Unfortunately, some make excuses to stay and continue to get the life sucked out of them and then complain and don’t get why their life is the way it is. ~ Denise Hecht Some don’t have a choice where money are concerned. ~ Tina Gross Sometimes when your weak, you …
The wise old owl sat in an oak the less he spoke the more he heard. In a nutshell. Always observing, analyzing and trying to figure out what or who can I help out, next to make this world a better place. ~ Maxine Dodge Sometimes people pull various …
It can take a long time to let go & move on. We can learn a lot from the clouds, they always move on. We can live like a dove or a crow. God and mother nature has all the answers. We can lose loved ones in our …
I waited 42 yrs for the love of my life. It was worth it. I look back and it wouldn’t of worked out for us any earlier. I think two people meet each other when the time is right and all the lessons you need to learn are …
Thankful and happy just for being alive and having the chance to see another day. That’s how it should be. Having a positive attitude in spite of problems as complaining and poor-mouthing are just a waste of time. After all, we all have problems in such a weird …