I’ll take the smile wrinkles again and again just for this reason laughing cures so many pains and angers it’s truly a medicine for life. ~ Rachel Dejesus Never under estimate the very special and dear ones on your life that are there for you always in all shaped and …
I found one 33 years ago and am blessed to still have that same heart that loves me at my worst and hugs me during my weakest and he is funny and sweet and he makes me laugh whenever we’re together and he’s good listener. ~ Jeannie Salisbury …
The good things in life that have real meaning take time, need to grow, they are not instantly there. Like true love, having a baby, watching it grow up, working your way up through a job, goals, achieving your dreams. All take time. ~ Brigitte Nicole A quitter never …
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A good friend of mine committed suicide many years ago and to this day I feel guilt wondering why I did not see the signs and if I could have done something to prevent it. You never know where a kind thought or word might land or it’s …
Getting rid of what you don’t need and excess crap gives us freedom and happiness. No one can ever take advantage of you. You allow it and to think otherwise is taking the “victim” mentality. Take responsibility for your actions, even those where your intent is to do …
You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. People don’t realize when they keep taking steps backwards, whether intentional or not, the other person also takes a step back out of self preservation (especially after trying to be closer to the person that is pushing them away) …