Life is like a Camera

We ponder for a moment, to take an honest & analytical reflection on ourselves and move forward! Some people will not move on. They keep reliving the past and you have to move on without them. The most difficult part is to develop from the negatives as many …

Take a Chance in your life

Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences. You never try, you will never know what will be the end result. Do not be afraid to have the courage to take the first step. The outcome may turn out to be amazing and full of surprises. …

Never Quit! Back on track & Move forward

What happened yesterday doesn’t matter = Don’t live in the past, let it go, live for today, move on, don’t stay stuck in yesterday. Everyday, we start with a new slate and leave the yesterdays behind. Always live for today. If it doesn’t turn out so great, you …

People who say they care for you

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It weeds out friendships. Those you thought would be by your side are no where to be found and those you thought were not as close, may be the ones that never leave your side. ~ Heather Bittner  The people that say they care about me have been at …

Usually give more chances to people

When the crying is over and I get quiet! That’s the sign. …. Done! ~ Sandy Bathe  It’s like respect, once you loose it, it’s gone. Nobody should be a door mat for anyone! I always give my best, show the way how much I value, but sometimes life …