Don’t give emotion or affection to someone who can’t return it. Sometimes life is quite complicated and it might not be about you at all but them, a timing thing, or even where they are in their own life. They can become stuck in a pattern in life …
Sex has nothing to do with true love. Try, if you will. Being in love with one, for 28 years, always, was Polly Moran, on my mind. We met in April, 1983 and I was in love. My love, though, we went separate ways in our life, some how, …
In the mean time go out and live life because it will happen when it’s meant to happen. You need to grow as a human being and that growth is part of the process of what is meant to be. ~ Tad White Patience is a pleasant way to …
Love you first! No matter what you think of yourself, realize that there is no story, no rhetoric, no treatment you have received that you deserved that wasn’t loving. You are all you need, ever and when you realize you can do anything, be anything and that you …
When you act, make sure that you do it in regard to others. Your actions can and will affect others. That being said, do not let others affect how you act, as in, when you see somebody doing something on tv, that doesn’t mean that you should do …
He only stayed for a while and we parted ways and left my heartache but despite of what happened I am truly grateful that our path crossed. ~ Elora Tuling I remember looking out at a perfect sunset on my perfect day, me and him had an amazing day …