Kindness comes from within yourself. It makes you feel good about yourself even if the recepient is ungrateful. You will be rewarded for it thoughtfulness. Never expect any action if thankfulness for what you do. You do it because it makes you feel good. Karma! ~ Lisa Walker …
Don’t let other peoples negativity bring you down. Remain positive. Yes it is very difficult when you are around it much of the time. That might be their character but it doesn’t have to be yours or mine. Murmuring and complaining is a sin against God. ~ Sharon Spangler …
Forgive and go on! It’s over. Forgiveness is the greatest gift you give yourself. Pride can destroy a relationship. Be the first to say I’m sorry, it heals the hurt! The importance of forgiveness for your own inner peace and freedom. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Every step small or big, does not matter it is the step which matters life to proceed to the right direction. Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t move your feet and take a …
When you cause someone harm, It’s the, “what goes around comes around effect!” If we try and have good intentions, do good to others, it helps. We should pray for those that cause us hurt or harm nor wish bad on them. We all make mistakes. …
I am lucky enough to know exactly who that person is/was. It was my beautiful mother who unconditionally loved me every day of my life. She was gentle & kind & loving & she made me feel loved and special. She lit up whenever I walked in the …