Stop overthinking

We are just creating problems by over thinking, problems that do not exist. Most of my problems are misunderstanding which then leads me to “think”. This is what is being done which then causes the issue. ~ Andrea Karolinski  Overthinking gets you into a lot of trouble. I am …

When someone treats you like an option

I’m not born just to be someone’s option, we all deserve more. ~ Lermie Remie  If you’re not someone’s first choice find someone else who you can be theirs. Plenty of available fish in the sea. Don’t let them use you for their convenience only! Let them realize that …

Everything can change in the blink of an eye

Just swallow your pride and move on. The best thing will happened to those who knows how to forgive. It attracts more blessings to your life and inner peace of mind. Maybe it won’t heal 100 percent but atleast God knows you’ve tried & you’ve done your part …