Don’t expect anything from a cheap person except pain. That’s why they are cheap. All they know are lies, deceit and manipulation. ~ Sharon Joseph Being honest is a special gift. Too many people try to justify their dishonesty as no big deal. ~ Marina Rice Leave the cheap people …
I forgive people because I need the inner peace, but that does not mean when they hurt me it is acceptable. ~ Olga Rubie It makes a big difference when you can let go and stay away from the negative forces. Everyone should do this, life is too short, …
Something more is said by not saying anything! Some things are left better unsaid. Sometimes it’s good to just listen! Precise and wise words are your weapon. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
It’s bad when other people know more about me then me. Haters going to hate. ~ Kimberly Burney We would learn so much more if we would talk to each other instead of about each other. There are some people out here who aren’t honest about themselves or anything else, …
Sometimes the people that are closest to you make you feel so lonely you think you’re alone anyway. True friends will never be away from our heart beat. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Life is full of challenges, it depend on us to move forward on every trials we encounter. Every morning begin with a smile. I do even if I felt sad with my life and let myself be happy even I don’t feel like it and I can go …