I don’t want someone who loves me a lot emotionally. I want some one who likes me enough practically. Love and romance is so overrated. Treat relationships as a business deal with practicality and you’re far better off. ~ Unknown Nothing is more romantic than to watch the …
Patience has it’s rewards. If we are impatient evidently, we are not ready. It’s also teaching us a lesson. Although it might seem we wait so long, believe, it will happen at the right time. For everything there is a season, every problem has an expiring date. God make …
Things always happen or not happen for a reason. Life always give a second chance. Wiser people make it’s proper use, but stupid people quit after first loss. You can’t even wait for second chance. You don’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you …
True friends are always best part of our life. Friends always there to pickup the pieces when I fall apart. ~ Linda Wood A good friend is somewhat rare, so if you find one hold on don’t let go. A good friend doesn’t desert you. They are there for …
Just have faith it will work out. Nothing good is ever easy. Karma, the universal constant, what goes around comes around, do good, do bad, you get what you put in, so be good. Our expectations and perceptions of what we want to see happen, does not necessarily …
God close the bad one, and gives me a chance to rebuild something better. ~ Ruth Sinate You can always better yourself! It makes you feel awesome. You don’t need anyone for that! Every failures step closer to success, never stop trying! Start over again when you lost someone …