The moment you begin to have expectations of people or certain circumstances, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You eliminate expectations by taking full responsibility for your life. You make clear choices and then do them. If things go wrong, no one to blame but yourself. You …
Your heart decisions are inspired by your soul desire which fills the emptiness of your life. Over-thinking is a major cause of unhappiness. Over-thinking a problem will keep any problem a problem which will keep you stuck inside the same problem until you quit thinking about it. Over-thinking a …
It’s great to hear advice from the people that love you and look out for you but you are the only one that can help yourself. You may hit a few bumps in the road and your loved ones will say told you so but you have to find …
None will come forward to help you in distress, even God helps them who help themselves. All the great people have made their own ways. Hence it’s better, first explore yourself, have self courage, self confidence, self motivation and then someone really honest friend to guide and motivate …
You would be surprised at how liberating it is. Once you do it a few times, you let go of the guilt of doing it. ~ Maureen Poisson The one who learns to do this keeps himself away from many of the unwanted & uncalled problems in the life. …
Sometimes the present becomes so “right” that you are forced to look back so you can find those long buried things which no longer serve you and eliminate them. Happy to be here! ~ Shannon Zurney Each day is a new canvas to be painted on. Try to make …