Good things can happen and they will

Positive thoughts bring positive reactions. Everything happens when it needs to happen and everything happens for a reason. Keep the faith! Life is full of hope and when we strongly believe and act, miracles happen! Both good or bad things come & go that is natural. Good things …

Enjoy the freedom and solitude

I love being alone. I tell people I am my own best friend! Not many understand the fun of being by yourself and enjoying your own company. It’s still a working struggle between my family and a few of my friends but it’s not their journey, it’s mine …

Don’t give up because of one bad chapter in your life

Each mistake teaches you something new about yourself. There is no failure, remember, except in no longer trying. It is the courage to continue that counts. ~ Sadrach Baker Having a bad chapter already in your life is infact good. It ascertains that forthcoming chapters will be good …

If you have an ugly heart

Love is the feeling of beautiful inside and out. Beauty is just admired at the first glance but the goodness in once heart remains unforgotten. Being beautiful is not only seen on the outside appearance, but in the inside. Being helpful to those in need and being grateful …

Someone who doesn’t feel lucky to have you

When I realize this I have wasted nearly four years from my life, but atleast finally I could able to let go. ~ Menik Senaratne  If they don’t treat you like they are lucky to have you, move on. It is better to be alone than be with someone …