Your Greatest test in Life

Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever. I love offering my help to others in need even when I’m in the middle of my own storm, it’s good therapy and helps you forget your own woes. ~ Lee …

Don’t change so people will like you

Sometimes change is necessary to become a better person, but do it for you, not someone else. Be yourself, but change your bad behavior. The first step in being likable is to like the person you see in the mirror in the morning even with major bedhead. ~ Mark …

A big secret for happiness

Don’t put yourself at their level! Stay away from drama and negative people. I’d take a proactive approach & the proper steps to make sure they don’t have an opportunity to continue doing crappy things to me. No one is totally powerless that they should let a person continue to …

Sometimes your heart needs more time

When it is time to let go or leave, it takes the heart longer to figure out what your mind knows. And when you fall in love, it goes the other way. Sometimes we just don’t want to accept what we see. We keep hoping things will change. …

Fall in Love & Regret nothing in Life

The most important thing is to be happy alone and with yourself. When you stop trying everything will happen. Allow yourself to have fun, allow yourself to fall in love with simple things like a sunny day or a cute puppy and allow yourself to feel good. By …

Good things are going to happen

Plant seeds of success and be ambitious. We deep what we sow. Success doesn’t just happen, so be patient, your hard work will pay off. Have faith! ~ Byron Hogan Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be …