Those who betrayed you in your life

Someone with a good heart is always trustworthy, kind, loving and caring, a rare person to find. Someone who loves others and hates no one. They tend to be the ones we would never expect to find and when we cross paths with them. We don’t know how …

It’s better to have nobody

Letting go of the wrong people makes room for the right people to be in your life. I would rather be alone any day, than be with somebody is doesn’t want to be there. That would be so miserable. Find a life that you can be happy alone …

If you are depressed you are living in the past

Depression is a brain chemical imbalance. In the past I was lost in my mind. I would vacillate between suicidal depression and emotional ecstasy; and back again… within a period of minutes. I was eventually diagnosed with “dissociative disorder; with bipolar tendencies.” I’ve never been on medication. I simply learned – over …