It is up to you. If you are indeed strong find your way to what you wish your life to be, don’t wait to be walked through. Life suppose to be fun not dealing with unnecessary people and situations. We are already too strong. ~ Krisztina Ilias Everyone comes …
Accept what is for a happy life. Happiness is within our own self, never externally. God is there for each one of us. I deserve to be happy and blessed and many others as well. Do not give up hope or love. I found peace after 6 years …
Love who I am and what I do. My goal is getting old enjoying life! ~ Roland Castillo Blame others than to take responsibility and sometimes life doesn’t seem fair, but the only one responsible for our actions is ourselves. ~ Kathe Hewlett I’ve learned some very hard lessons in …
It’s fine to move on, but only after you have done absolutely everything you can to fix the relationship. All too often many think divorce is an “easy” way out, but it hurts everyone involved. You can be happy in an unhappy relationship as long as your relationship with …
Behind the smile may be tears. One never knows what’s going on in someone else’s life. We all have our ups and downs in life, we just all experience them at different times. When were experiencing one of our ups, have compassion for those who are working through their …
To pick someone up & share your joy with them & slowly lift them back up again is so rewarding. This is our job here, all of us. It is our our one and only purpose. Any other seeming purpose is a distraction from our true goal. This …