Someone who gave up on you

I don’t give up easily to someone but I’m not stupid enough to wait for someone who make feel like I don’t exist. I know my worth. Even though I’m not perfect. ~ Tess Garjas I am the devoted, loyal, and loving person who believes in not giving up. …

Do you want to change or willing to change?

After breakup, I’m willing to change myself. Of course, in a positive way. Hope that everything will get better! New change for new me. ~ Hà Lê  To achieve your dreams you have to get a few blisters. One step at a time, start walking. ~ Gabby Bumbles  I find …

Never give up on something you really want

I didn’t give up but regret every minute waiting because it was nothing but a waste, so really think about you want and never lose yourself in the process. ~ Christy Kincaid  Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer

Don’t worry about the labels others placed on you

Limitations are nothing but NARROWNESS OF YOUR BRAIN, THAT HOW MUCH IT CAN THINK MORE. Hence, there’s no one better to judge us than ourselves, get it straight. ~ Hetang Modi  Always, remember inside your heart that I was made in His likeness and Created in His image and …