When you’ve done something wrong

Mistakes are always forgivable if one has courage to admit them. So, swallow your ego/pride occasionally.  There are people who always see you as wrong even when your right or makes you feel like your always doing something wrong, they got too much pride to admit it. There …

Stand up for what you believe in

You are never really alone, God is with us Always. Never compromise you’re belief in yourself or your convictions! Stand up at least your alive. Stand alone and you will know who are left behind. Standing alone is great when the purpose is right.  Sometimes we all stand alone …

Inside every person you know

A person I didn’t know, or had forgotten about was hiding inside. Through people pleasing and being swallowed up in life. And now that I have reintroduced myself to myself, and to those I know, I feel free. Try it for yourselves. Peel back the layers of what …

Don’t look for perfect life partner

Nothing will ever be perfect! Always being honest no matter what is the most important thing. The truth will always come out if one is dishonest. Perfect doesn’t exist, which is okay. We need imperfect people to learn what it’s like to both be needed and wanted. Imperfections …

Your day will come

Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit! In life faith is key no matter what life gives you! Great happiness comes in small steps! As long as your alive, heart beating, never ever loose HOPE and NEVER GIVE UP!  If success is station, …

The loneliest person

He will be a loneliest person because others will always be looking at him for help and not to him! Nowadays everyone has become so selfish that they always keep thinking of themselves not a single minute they use for thinking about others. ~ Roy Choudhury  Most of the …