Your day will come

Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit! In life faith is key no matter what life gives you! Great happiness comes in small steps! As long as your alive, heart beating, never ever loose HOPE and NEVER GIVE UP!  If success is station, …

The loneliest person

He will be a loneliest person because others will always be looking at him for help and not to him! Nowadays everyone has become so selfish that they always keep thinking of themselves not a single minute they use for thinking about others. ~ Roy Choudhury  Most of the …

When people walk away from you, let them go

Someone I never thought would turn their back on me, did. It is so unexpected & painful down to my soul. Someone I admire & respect & love, always will. Not a bad person at all. Someone I will miss very much. But, perhaps never cared as much …

Kindness makes you feel good to give

Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. It will blow up in your face! Acts of Kindness so people don’t go cold, hungry, or lose their self worth! ~ Jenny McSweeney The greatest act of good is the one someone will never know. Don’t seek the reward, immediate or delayed. …

The best revenge is happiness

I wave at people who flip me off when driving and I smile super big showing them all my pearly whites. ~ Liz Cornett  People can be jealous of you.Sad but very true. I am happy for good things that happen to them. I guess there will always be …