How to have a happy day?

See your smiley face in mirror for few minutes and feel the difference. I’m grateful for family, I’m grateful for God’s love, I’m Grateful for life! ~ Kimberly Weatherford  Don’t forget to compliment yourself too. Tell your family and friends that you love them. Help someone else.   Share This …

Bad things that happen in our lives

Always remember, God never gives us more than we can handle and when one door closes another one opens. Sometimes God puts us in difficult situations to strengthen us and enable us for better things to come. Not always to see when you’re riding the storm but on …

Sometimes you just have to stay silent

Sometimes it’s better to stay silent because when you share your story, you get judged by some people committed to misunderstanding you. ~ Jenn Guthrie    My words have been spoken but it is up to them whether they choose to listen and care etc. No one can do …

You are not allowed to give up on life

Sometimes when I feel down I am screaming to cry and want to die, but God guide me always not to give up my life. ~ Nenita Lumanog    Call somebody you care about and spend some time hanging out and just having fun then look for professional help …