Nobody cannot manipulate you or bring you down without your permission. If they try, they are the ones that are insecure. One has to always be in charge of their own life experiences /happiness for any type of positive outcome. ~ Judy Tauer Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Think positive & live a carefree & happy life! If you care and share you can impact many lives with the Lord’s help. ~ Lee Newtson Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Just go ahead with your journey whatever that makes you happy. Don’t ruin your precious time with wrong people. I lead my life very quietly . I raised a family, took care of my parents, supported my Gateway Church with my talents. Now I am feeble in health …
Kindness comes from within yourself. It makes you feel good about yourself even if the recepient is ungrateful. You will be rewarded for it thoughtfulness. Never expect any action if thankfulness for what you do. You do it because it makes you feel good. Karma! ~ Lisa Walker …
Don’t let other peoples negativity bring you down. Remain positive. Yes it is very difficult when you are around it much of the time. That might be their character but it doesn’t have to be yours or mine. Murmuring and complaining is a sin against God. ~ Sharon Spangler …
Forgive and go on! It’s over. Forgiveness is the greatest gift you give yourself. Pride can destroy a relationship. Be the first to say I’m sorry, it heals the hurt! The importance of forgiveness for your own inner peace and freedom. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer