Kill them with kindness. Kindness Rules!
When they are gossiping about me, they are giving others a little break. Don’t go down to their level and people will see who is really the better person.
Insecure people need to gossip about you to try and prevent gossip about themselves. See them for who they are and pity them.
Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect. ~ Rhonda Byrne
My lifetime attitude toward anyone who has not learned how to be normal. I am sorry for them but I am so busy enjoying life to waste a second on counting such people. ~ Mania Safamirzaei
Silence is just the way you ignore people who are rude. I just find it more useful to let them know they are being rude and tell them that whatever chip they carry on their shoulder I was not the one who put it there. It usually cracks a smile and an apology! ~ Eduarda Gonçalves