If you are depressed you are living in the past

If you are depressed you are living in the past

Depression is a brain chemical imbalance.

In the past I was lost in my mind. I would vacillate between suicidal depression and emotional ecstasy; and back again… within a period of minutes. I was eventually diagnosed with “dissociative disorder; with bipolar tendencies.” I’ve never been on medication. I simply learned – over time – to control my mind’s focus. Anyone that thinks it’s not that simple, frankly has no understanding of how the mind works. Anyone that thinks that such a concept is “that easy” simply has no understanding of what it means to control one’s focus. It is that simple.  It is not remotely easy. If you apologize for your view then you are at a very low level of understanding anything about the mind or spirit. You don’t even have confidence and integrity at the most simplest of levels. If you take offense to the opinion of another person then all of these lessons are beyond your capacity to process; in that the subconscious mind is compelled to deflect anything that is viewed as a threat to the image of self. Be well! ~ Robert Eicher 

With my experience and thinking about it, I do think about the past a lot. Those who I thought cared about me turn their backs on me, I then ruminate the reasons and why’s and make myself sick thinking, thinking about it. I then get anxious about things and think so much about how the bill will get paid and so forth. Instead I’m learning to just let it be and let God. Makes life and myself a lot more peaceful. ~ Tara Adams 

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