The moment you begin to have expectations of people or certain circumstances, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
You eliminate expectations by taking full responsibility for your life. You make clear choices and then do them. If things go wrong, no one to blame but yourself. You can always make a new choice. ~ Joyce ONeill
If you learn to not expect, you’ll live life much happier. Some things cannot be changed. You fly alone, just like everyone else.
Expectations of yourself will strengthen you.
When you expect others to act the way you want them to and they don’t. It’s better not to expect them to act a certain way, but rather be there to encourage them and love them unconditionally. This is for family. If your companion isn’t living up to your expectations, and you are still holding on, you might want to look at that. If you do something for someone with strings attached, especially in a relationship, that is emotional manipulation. And when they don’t respond the way you want you get hurt. That’s not healthy, and that’s when I would say to give without expectation and love unconditionally. But if it’s a case of your partner not giving you love and respect, not as a quid pro quo, but just a lack of affection, love, and emotional connection, then you would do well to get out of that relationship as soon as you can. ~ Thomas Marason