Do you want to change or willing to change?

Do you want to change or willing to change?

After breakup, I’m willing to change myself. Of course, in a positive way. Hope that everything will get better! New change for new me. ~ Hà Lê 

To achieve your dreams you have to get a few blisters. One step at a time, start walking. ~ Gabby Bumbles 

I find it really hard for me to change some things, but as long as you keep trying and stay positive and use your imagination for good things, you’re trying. It’s hard to not stay stuck on a certain habit or a certain mind frame, but be easy on yourself. You are your own worst critic. Just relax. Give yourself credit for all that you do. ~ Emily Gragg 

Change is hard unless you are totally tired of feeling or doing that which makes you unhappy. I’ll never regret the changes I’ve made throughout my life, it has been a wonderful adventure! ~ Nancy Duggins 

Change is only constant if we don’t change for better, we are nowhere. We must move on in life leaving behind yesterday’s baggage.

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