Category: Words of Wisdom
Speak gently always. No exceptions or excuses has to be made. Everyone is struggling. If you are in pain, maybe you can simply share your tears with someone who cares rather than express cruelty in your words and doings and causing pain thereby to people whose tears are …
The only people that are angry at you for telling the truth are those living the lie. Be yourself and do not cheat your own soul. That is all that matters. Say something so stupid like get out my life then cause you just might get what you …
I love the small things in life. It gives me joy, peace and harmony. ~ Tonje Susanne Positive thoughts always keeps you younger than your self in reality. You will save yourself a lot of heartache if you choose to take nothing personally. The older you get, the more …
The only person who is there for me unconditionally is ……. Me ~ Debbie Dadral Never forget those you thought would be there but weren’t, definitely painful lessons to learn. There are people who easily forget someone who helped them during those times that they’re in need after helping …
Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no. Anything more than this comes from the evil one. Being selfish is not always a bad thing. Sure, other problems will arise if we say no to everyone all of the time, but this is where selectivity comes …
Be yourself in life people will like you best that way! When you try to please others that you end up frustrating yourself. It’s a great way to live if you can’t be true to yourself. You can’t make a difference in other people’s lives. ~ Kaye Lingeman