Category: Words of Wisdom
Something more is said by not saying anything! Some things are left better unsaid. Sometimes it’s good to just listen! Precise and wise words are your weapon.
It’s bad when other people know more about me then me. Haters going to hate. ~ Kimberly Burney We would learn so much more if we would talk to each other instead of about each other. There are some people out here who aren’t honest about themselves or anything else, …
Each person has the choice to remove negativity from their life. If you don’t do so, stop whining. ~ Rita Smith There is a whole lot of negative in this world. People and things, but if you focus on the positive things and delete the negatives, you will see …
Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever. I love offering my help to others in need even when I’m in the middle of my own storm, it’s good therapy and helps you forget your own woes. ~ Lee …
Sometimes change is necessary to become a better person, but do it for you, not someone else. Be yourself, but change your bad behavior. The first step in being likable is to like the person you see in the mirror in the morning even with major bedhead. ~ Mark …
Insecure people judge and insult others. People are way to curious. What you think about yourself is what matter most. What others think about you is none of your business. Those who looking for the faults in others always trying to cover up the fear within themselves. ~ David …