Category: Words of Wisdom
Each one’s hurt aka damage may feel just as painful as another’s, even though some might judge that the depths of the pain aren’t equally deep. Listen and observe, and most of all be patient and kind. ~ Pamela Taylor You can be kind and non judgemental all …
My experience is life is a inside job, I am learning how to love myself, I am, 69 years and still learning, respect yourself, dress as well as I can, eat healthy foods, is a biggie for me, exercise in moderation, and help someone if I am able. …
I can be a perfectionist all I want, but I’ve learned that when your around everyone else who aren’t perfectionists, your life will never be satisfied. So, choose your battles, love others for who they are and “perfectionize” what you can, when you can. ~ Connie Merkel I can …
To “justify” mistakes is NOT the same as apologizing for them. I will apologize for my mistakes that have brought pain to others because attempting to justify my mistakes is no excuse for those mistakes. ~ Courtney Waggener We have to accept the past. We cannot change, why go …
It seems to me that every time people around have trouble, they instinctively come to me, knowing that if I can’t help, at least I’ll listen and console them patiently. Yet, when I need person like that, hard to find people around most of the time. ~ Diana Detcheva …
It just means they have priorities but you are not one of them. It’s very straight forward. Best then to not make them a priority either and all will be fine. ~ Anne McDougle Nowadays, people who say they are very busy, I let them go. I am a …