Category: Words of Wisdom

Sometimes you just have to stay silent

Sometimes it’s better to stay silent because when you share your story, you get judged by some people committed to misunderstanding you. ~ Jenn Guthrie    My words have been spoken but it is up to them whether they choose to listen and care etc. No one can do …

When you’ve done something wrong

Mistakes are always forgivable if one has courage to admit them. So, swallow your ego/pride occasionally.  There are people who always see you as wrong even when your right or makes you feel like your always doing something wrong, they got too much pride to admit it. There …

Don’t chase after people anymore

I was a people pleaser. Made me sad and miserable, with a great dose of low self esteem. ~ Marlene Perrin    Lucky my own company not a problem. Good to get out with others but you can’t force others to like you. They either do or don’t. ~ Shirley …