Category: Strength
Don’t judge, criticize or disrespect anyone. Everyone is fighting their own battles. Don’t let others to be the key of your happiness. Take control of your inner self and dispel all negative inner thoughts. Man is the creator of one’s own happiness and sadness. Life is the inner …
Don’t dwell on the past, it can’t be changed. Start practicing meditation. It will clam your muscles and free your stress. You must learn to let go of the hatred and hurt that lives in your heart. Sometimes it’s all you can do just to keep going and …
Someone capable to be around has the opportunity and excuse, to be around and to be there for you and for that, I am kind of helpless when I see others in my shoes because one way or the other, fate does not always allows. So I just …
Once you have been hurt, it’s hard to open up again. A hard lesson to learn, but believe me, it’s worth it. It gives you freedom and a lighter heart and piece of mind. Love, even if it hurts. ~ Stacy Csahiouni Once you forgiven both your partner and …
The wise old owl sat in an oak the less he spoke the more he heard. In a nutshell. Always observing, analyzing and trying to figure out what or who can I help out, next to make this world a better place. ~ Maxine Dodge Sometimes people pull various …
Don’t underestimate someone else’s pain. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle, some people are better at hiding it. ~ Shikha Gupta Grief is such a personal thing. No one grieves in the same way. There’s no rules for grief and no one has the right to tell you …