Category: Strength
To “justify” mistakes is NOT the same as apologizing for them. I will apologize for my mistakes that have brought pain to others because attempting to justify my mistakes is no excuse for those mistakes. ~ Courtney Waggener We have to accept the past. We cannot change, why go …
I call mine battle scars because I earned them. Not from violence or abuse, Accidents. I earned them because of pain & surgeries. ~ Karan Cain My scars are easy to see not pretty to look at to others but i see them always. they are part of the …
Tired of waiting for things to change. I can’t allow my life to pass me by while they take their sweet time getting themselves motivated. I have needs and expectations that deserve to be taken seriously. ~ Sarah Yeager Once you feel and see that someone is avoiding you, …
Without moaning about the storms while being humble about getting through them. Those people become more stronger to fight all the struggles in life. Face the new life with full of sunshine, just have faith in God. Put God first in all the things we do. In the shadows …
A strong woman gets rid of the reason she was crying last night and moves on. Strong woman cry. The same goes for strong men. It takes strength to admit what you are feeling is painful. Avoiding your feelings or lacking empathy is weakness. ~ Kelly Gray She holds …
The second worst part is the response “fine.” Often when you show great strength, you are dying inside. Sometimes even the soul came out and talks with us, then heart feel mercy for self and say to soul I will fight for you till the end. ~ Ajay Kansay …