Category: Strength

Let the challenges in life make you strong

My life is not perfect, but I feel so fortunate. I can see beauty in everything despite feeling unwell most of the time and being unappreciated. I understand and give them allowances why they are so. One day, I pray to God, they will see the light with …

Strong people don’t put others down

A while ago I had a ‘friend’ put me down with her words, but I know now that’s because she’s not a strong person. I’m better than that. ~ Viviane Chayna  A person who is strong, confident and no insecurities in life would always loved to help others and …

Showing your emotions to someone

Not everyone can handle sensitive people. It’s their loss anyway. The mental institutions are full of people who don’t show emotion. Let it all go if you feel like it. It’s better to be sensitive and emotional then cold hearted and selfish. ~ Christine Marinacci I’ve been chastised …

Stand up for what you believe in

You are never really alone, God is with us Always. Never compromise you’re belief in yourself or your convictions! Stand up at least your alive. Stand alone and you will know who are left behind. Standing alone is great when the purpose is right.  Sometimes we all stand alone …

Overcome all the people who tried to bring you down

When you start there’s no going back and there’s no stopping till you’re at the top!   Don’t forget to thank and pray for your friends and families too. They rallied behind you during your difficult times. Bless them as well!    Let’s open the door to good …