Category: Strength
Small minds can’t comprehend big spirits… I care less about the small-minded people who say awful things behind my back. Truth is, it’s all about what God says about your life that matters & he wants the best for you. So why worry about the haters & what …
Life is a school….. Time is the teacher… We are the students….. Every exam is a lesson to deal with difficulties… The day I ‘let go’ of the ex and all things connected to her was all of a sudden I got back to me and found what …
Faith takes you to the next day! Pray every day that the Lord will guide you through the day and help you in every trail and tribulation.
Life is too short not to do the things you truly want to do. Do it NOW! When you have the time you don’t have the cash or when you have the cash you don’t have the time. So you have to say well just go for it …
It’s hard to completely trust anyone or share your weakness due to fear of them using it against you when they get upset. Some pretend to be your friend but talk bad about you with their friends. ~ Melyssa McEwen That very thing happened to me about 20 years …
Anger, frustration, disappointment, all are human emotions to go through and feel, but let it not overpower or consume us into being the same as what tampered with our feelings. ~ Donna Jones Holding anger & bitterness will give more power to that person who hurt you but …