Category: Peaceful

Sometimes, you just need a break

We really need some time of unwinding ourselves from the hassles and bussles of life.  It’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person in order to find out who you really are and what …

Don’t let others destroy your inner peace

Their past behaviors are often times still at the surface only masked with the right words. True character always surfaces. ~ Barb Deal  With constant and daily practice, it becomes second nature. Sometimes those people are just jealous because they don’t have it.

Cry it out & refocus on where you are headed

Let the pain inside you come out. It helps in healing. Stay alone for sometime, spend some time with yourself. Figure out, what you did wrong, learn from your mistake. It only makes you stronger. ~ Debapriyo Saha  Crying means pouring out your emotions. It doesn’t mean you’re weak …

How beautiful it is to stay silent?

It breaks the waves & calms the storm. The world needs so much love. It’s better to kill them with kindness. It takes a very wise person to stay silent when someone has mistreated you. ~ Victoria Shook I prayed this: “Father, You are Lord over my emotions, my entire being. …