Category: Peaceful

How to focus on what’s really important?

Being alone is better than being with bad people! My solitude replenishes my soul and refreshes my awareness of all things beautiful. ~ Suhair Dabbagh  We are never alone. God is always with us, but it is very peaceful to be alone with Him. Having a relaxing evening by …

If you have an ugly heart

Love is the feeling of beautiful inside and out. Beauty is just admired at the first glance but the goodness in once heart remains unforgotten. Being beautiful is not only seen on the outside appearance, but in the inside. Being helpful to those in need and being grateful …

Fall in Love & Regret nothing in Life

The most important thing is to be happy alone and with yourself. When you stop trying everything will happen. Allow yourself to have fun, allow yourself to fall in love with simple things like a sunny day or a cute puppy and allow yourself to feel good. By …