Category: Peaceful
We have become a nation of self involved. A nation who is afraid to say the wrong things. So many offended by what others say instead of having the understanding that we are different with different views. Discussing with respect as well as listening without judgement is a …
Laughing changes your mood automatically and things never seem as bad after a good nights sleep. I suffer from chronic pain due to a back injury & fibromyalgia but I surround myself with people that keep me laughing. Being in pain may make it hard to laugh but …
Don’t let other peoples negativity bring you down. Remain positive. Yes it is very difficult when you are around it much of the time. That might be their character but it doesn’t have to be yours or mine. Murmuring and complaining is a sin against God. ~ Sharon Spangler …
Every man has his breaking point. Tears mean you have a 100 percent understanding of what’s going on and the painful change that needs to be. ~ Michael Worth Tears can be cleansing! Tears for me lately are the messengers of overwhelming grief. ~ Elvira Padron-Castellanos
We need to be responsible for our own happiness! The only time I get the inner peace is when the time I’m praying and tell to our God all the feelings like when I feel angry, sad, happy and when I’m in love with somebody. These feelings I …
I have finally done this. It’s not that I don’t love my sisters, but they are not nice people. Well at least not to me. So even though I may miss them it’s better for us to be estranged. I’m not saying I am an angel but , …