Category: Life’s Beautiful

Not everyone will understand your journey

Life is regular learning process.It continues even after end of present life. Sometimes the life journey can be bumpy but it’s still yours to understand! Clean up your own backyard before you get in mine and you don’t even know what you are placing your judgement on unless …

Sometimes it’s better to be alone

To be alone is awful but, better than being with people who do not care or respect you. When you are alone you have nothing to fear because you have nothing to lose and it also keeps you to yourself. It’s a sad feeling but it helps you …

The Best things in Life

Sex has nothing to do with true love. Try, if you will. Being in love with one, for 28 years, always, was Polly Moran, on my mind. We met in April, 1983 and I was in love. My love, though, we went separate ways in our life, some how, …