Category: Life’s Beautiful

When you don’t get what you want in life?

Things always happen or not happen for a reason. Life always give a second chance. Wiser people make it’s proper use, but stupid people quit after first loss. You can’t even wait for second chance. You don’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you …

Your Greatest test in Life

Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever. I love offering my help to others in need even when I’m in the middle of my own storm, it’s good therapy and helps you forget your own woes. ~ Lee …

Happiness is an inside job

Don’t judge, criticize or disrespect anyone. Everyone is fighting their own battles.  Don’t let others to be the key of your happiness. Take control of your inner self and dispel all negative inner thoughts. Man is the creator of one’s own happiness and sadness. Life is the inner …