Category: Life’s Beautiful
I love travel see world. How boring to stay in one place. Live life explore the wonders of the world that God has given us. ~ Zaina Ireland Don’t put off to tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. Live life with no regrets! Just do what makes you happy. Some …
How lovely it is to find the one who understands you right next to you when you’re afraid. To cry on their shoulder till you fall asleep, to have your stress alleviated. Sometimes talking about the problem doesn’t do any good, doesn’t ease the pain especially when you …
When you distance yourself from negativity… It’s funny how little I care for drama yet somehow have found myself surrounded by the most dramatic idiots on the planet. I’ve learned some good lessons along the way, cut them out of my life, and life is GOOD! ~ Kitty Leah …
Life is hard, with no birthright guarantees it is going to be an easy journey. The best we can do is start with ‘OURSELF’ and accept each challenge as a learning experience, accept it, acknowledge it and do the best to work through it. LIFE is the experience …
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing… Life is a blessing and an irreplaceable gift that God has given us. Focusing on the positive instead of the negative. Focusing on the future possibilities instead of the past pain. ~ Adrienne Peterson Life is what we …
When you stop taking things personally… Stop looking for reasons to be offended! Everything is better when we learn how to get past ourselves. If you desire further simple wisdom to help center your thoughts, go and subscribe to our blog: