Category: Lessons Learned
He will be a loneliest person because others will always be looking at him for help and not to him! Nowadays everyone has become so selfish that they always keep thinking of themselves not a single minute they use for thinking about others. ~ Roy Choudhury Most of the …
Each one’s hurt aka damage may feel just as painful as another’s, even though some might judge that the depths of the pain aren’t equally deep. Listen and observe, and most of all be patient and kind. ~ Pamela Taylor You can be kind and non judgemental all …
Love who I am and what I do. My goal is getting old enjoying life! ~ Roland Castillo Blame others than to take responsibility and sometimes life doesn’t seem fair, but the only one responsible for our actions is ourselves. ~ Kathe Hewlett I’ve learned some very hard lessons in …
The more you love and respect yourself the more you can have to offer to others who need your example. The way people treat others is how they feel about themselves. It is so important to treat our children positively, say positive words, act positively so that they …
It does not matter in life for something to happen as quickly as possible, but that it happens at the right time. This is a very big difference. ~ Daniel Konkol We use our time perfectly, we take time, we don’t rush because we should use our time free, …
Every year 90% of the cells of your body are replaced, so you cannot be the person you were last year. It’s still in there, only very deep and well hidden so you can’t see it any more. I keep it locked away in a safe place, protected …