Category: Inspirational
Insecure & jealous people always do that! What really gets me is when they judge me for something then go and do something similar themselves and it’s supposed to be okay. ~ Joy Leland It doesn’t matter what other people think of me, it’s what I think of myself …
You should never have to apologize for being yourself and if someone wants you to then they don’t accept you.
I cannot be someone I am not. Being me is enough, believe me that a hard job enough. I am me, love me, hate me, leave me, but I am still going to be me, that’s me. ~ Arlene Macdonald I have said this pretty much my entire life. …
A person I didn’t know, or had forgotten about was hiding inside. Through people pleasing and being swallowed up in life. And now that I have reintroduced myself to myself, and to those I know, I feel free. Try it for yourselves. Peel back the layers of what …
Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit! In life faith is key no matter what life gives you! Great happiness comes in small steps! As long as your alive, heart beating, never ever loose HOPE and NEVER GIVE UP! If success is station, …
Negative thoughts they sap all the energy from you. If you are around by the negative thoughts, people you will be the same like them, but we can’t get away from that kind of people if we have to work with them. Just focus our mind on what …