Category: Inspirational

There is a sacredness in tears

Every man has his breaking point. Tears mean you have a 100 percent understanding of what’s going on and the painful change that needs to be. ~ Michael Worth Tears can be cleansing! Tears for me lately are the messengers of overwhelming grief. ~ Elvira Padron-Castellanos

One should learn from their defeats

I won’t say that I failed thousand times, but I will say that I discovered thousand ways that can cause failure. ~ Thomas Edision Defeat gives us the opportunity to start fresh. If you don’t look at it as defeat, it is always a new beginning. Attitude is everything! …

You can only control how you react to it

If you’re able to take that step back in the moment, then it’s a chance to not let them control you. They’re looking for a reaction. If you have that chance to reflect before reacting, then you can surprise them, remain calm or even kill them with kindness, …

You are never too old to set another goal

Keep dreaming, keep working on new projects, keep active, get involved with the young people in your family, and above all laugh at whatever life throws at you. Each of us has our own dream, so follow your gut feeling to achieve a new dream.