Category: Inspirational
Toxic people will not change their behavior. Your only defense is to remove yourself from their world and move on to healthier friends and colleagues. Life is too short to waste a day trying to “fix” them. You have your own work to do on yourself. ~ Linda Corey …
If you are not where you want to be yet… We will always be a “work in progress” and should be happy that we are progressing no matter how old we get. ~ Geri Jones Sometimes it takes a lot of time, take your time. Don’t let anyone …
Life is a school….. Time is the teacher… We are the students….. Every exam is a lesson to deal with difficulties… The day I ‘let go’ of the ex and all things connected to her was all of a sudden I got back to me and found what …
Each moments is our lifetime Our today’s mirror our tomorrow. We are master of all we survey. We are captain of this troubled ship. Keep what you have and thank who has kept you. I am thankful for those who left walking with me and I am thankful for …
The less you worry about what people think about you the less complicated life becomes. We need to stay in tuned with everyone. The difference is that we should try to not be affected by negativity, but embrace positivity. We are all one. Every race, every being, every …
Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places… We may make wrong choices but God knows what is right for us and HE takes us to the right place. Trust HIM and keep the faith. HE IS The best PLANNER! We make decisions based on what …