Category: Heartwarmers
Someone with a good heart is always trustworthy, kind, loving and caring, a rare person to find. Someone who loves others and hates no one. They tend to be the ones we would never expect to find and when we cross paths with them. We don’t know how …
If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best. You can’t chose ‘blood’ family. However you can chose your friends. When you have friends that are true you become related in spirit, that’s even better then blood, because spirit is feeling. ~ Bas …
I always do in front of my mirror, looking back at myself, talking to myself and telling myself I am very beautiful and gorgeous every morning/day. It’s not an arrogance thing, it is having genuine, sincere, honest and non-arrogant love for yourself, coupled with humility. We all should, …
If you truly feel it in your soul, that you did make someones day better, believe me it will come back to you. Be patient and don’t give up. You are being tested. Smile at everyone in your path. Little acts of kindness. Pick up litter, hold door …
Being caring is more important than being rich. However, the beauty in the heart not in the face. I would say that our world is fine because they are some diamonds between a billion pieces of metals. Be true to yourself and enjoy what you have and be …
A good heart lives in denial and always hopes for the best, but a good heart, no matter how much it loves, must always be prepared for the worst. A good heart is usually covered in scars that no one can see. ~ Randy Lynch A truly good heart …