Category: Heartwarmers
You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. People don’t realize when they keep taking steps backwards, whether intentional or not, the other person also takes a step back out of self preservation (especially after trying to be closer to the person that is pushing them away) …
Being with someone, who brings out the worst in you, is a pain in the neck. The first type is the one who makes you feel like superhero(ine), but the second type is definitely an Energy Vampire! ~ Irena Nikolovska
If you always give your best, you will be a nice memory. Create great memories, that is what it is all about. How wonderful it is! How pleasant it is! When a happy family stays together and live in harmony. ~ Lucrecia Cuartero Our past is memories. What we remember …
The people who fallen so I can stand will forever be in my heart and mind and have the great honor a man can give and that is family. ~ Marcus Arelius
Ruminating, catastrophizing and vilifying instead of taking personal accountability are ways that “overthinking” can occur and keep you down. Positive thinking is important but so is identifying and then changing the ways you overthink. It’s easier to be positive when you are aware of the special “overthinking” path …