Category: Happiness

Happiness is an inside job

Don’t judge, criticize or disrespect anyone. Everyone is fighting their own battles.  Don’t let others to be the key of your happiness. Take control of your inner self and dispel all negative inner thoughts. Man is the creator of one’s own happiness and sadness. Life is the inner …

It’s important to make someone happy

All it takes is a simple smile. I try to do that to everyone I meet (It might just make someone else’s day happier). ~ Jennine Robertson  Happiness is from inner, when you practice yourself to accept life as normal as it comes & satisfy with what fate gives, …

Those who do the most for others

I do it for the ones who need it the most. I was taught to be kind and humble, but not the point where they will take advantage of you. ~ Eva Felan  Sometimes we have tried to do for them but they don’t see our value. ~ Kea Chhengky