Category: Happiness
I wave at people who flip me off when driving and I smile super big showing them all my pearly whites. ~ Liz Cornett People can be jealous of you.Sad but very true. I am happy for good things that happen to them. I guess there will always be …
I just go for a drive to the beach and just watch the waves. ~ Andrea O’Loughlin Walking and listening to music is an excellent choice! I was feeling bad this morning so I called a friend then went for a bike ride and went for lunch spent some …
It’s fine to move on, but only after you have done absolutely everything you can to fix the relationship. All too often many think divorce is an “easy” way out, but it hurts everyone involved. You can be happy in an unhappy relationship as long as your relationship with …
Don’t worry about what other people think. Just do what feels right for you and be happy. Time is look like knife if you don’t cut it will cut you. Yesterday can’t be the same tomorrow. You should enjoy each passing moment. Precisely you can’t pull back time …
God is so good, he uses this same story of yours to help you grow, to turn you into a better person and to bless you more than you can ever imagine. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger, there is chapters that always make me cry but …
Negative thoughts have negative outcomes & negative people also. Look forward don’t look back, if you want to be happy. Take the time and good things in life. That’s what makes you happy. Let you be loved and life will be awesome. You are in the best situation …