Category: Gratuitous
See your smiley face in mirror for few minutes and feel the difference. I’m grateful for family, I’m grateful for God’s love, I’m Grateful for life! ~ Kimberly Weatherford Don’t forget to compliment yourself too. Tell your family and friends that you love them. Help someone else.
The cool thing about a glass is it’s refillable, so it doesn’t matter if it’s half full OR half empty. Some people don’t even have the glass. ~ Jennifer Krause
Life is what you make of it, better or worse! I don’t think you should hang onto people at all. It is like a flower. It is best to watch it thrive in the environment than to pick it and watch it die. We are merely visitors in …
You always deserve to be treated with respect. Both parties need to be honest, truthful and compliment each other at all times. ~ Jack Wicks Life goes on and sometimes for the best. It may hurt for a while but once you see the other side of someone you …
Rejection can be a form of protection. Love is the other name of respect. If you can’t respect your loved ones, then you don’t deserve to be loved. So, if someone is not appreciating your effort or respecting you. Leave them because not everyone you lose is a …
There is a time to recover ourselves from the pain, you will love again and be loved once again. You need to find yourself and you can do that when you are alone! Get yourself happy first! If someone is a God gift to you, then don’t take …