Category: Feelings
I am finally happy with who I am after years of trying to please others. I like myself, I love myself. Just wish I learned years earlier. ~ Lori Sharman It has taken me 75 years to come to this conclusion. I have had enough of trying to please …
It is a healthy thing to unplug and go solo for awhile. It can help to clear your mind and keep your sanity! ~ Angel Maisonette
Life is hard, with no birthright guarantees it is going to be an easy journey. The best we can do is start with ‘OURSELF’ and accept each challenge as a learning experience, accept it, acknowledge it and do the best to work through it. LIFE is the experience …
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing… Life is a blessing and an irreplaceable gift that God has given us. Focusing on the positive instead of the negative. Focusing on the future possibilities instead of the past pain. ~ Adrienne Peterson Life is what we …
You need to live life the way you want to, not the way other people tell you it should be lived, when life feels right for you then indeed it is right! Be blessing and thankful to be able to live the life that you want to because …
Nobody cannot manipulate you or bring you down without your permission. If they try, they are the ones that are insecure. One has to always be in charge of their own life experiences /happiness for any type of positive outcome. ~ Judy Tauer