Category: Chance
We need to be responsible for our own happiness! The only time I get the inner peace is when the time I’m praying and tell to our God all the feelings like when I feel angry, sad, happy and when I’m in love with somebody. These feelings I …
If you love something, set if free; if it comes back to you; its yours forever. If you tried everything to work something out and it feels like it isn’t working, leave it and if it feels the same, then you were meant to leave it where it …
After breakup, I’m willing to change myself. Of course, in a positive way. Hope that everything will get better! New change for new me. ~ Hà Lê To achieve your dreams you have to get a few blisters. One step at a time, start walking. ~ Gabby Bumbles I find …
Love who I am and what I do. My goal is getting old enjoying life! ~ Roland Castillo Blame others than to take responsibility and sometimes life doesn’t seem fair, but the only one responsible for our actions is ourselves. ~ Kathe Hewlett I’ve learned some very hard lessons in …
It’s fine to move on, but only after you have done absolutely everything you can to fix the relationship. All too often many think divorce is an “easy” way out, but it hurts everyone involved. You can be happy in an unhappy relationship as long as your relationship with …
There is a time to recover ourselves from the pain, you will love again and be loved once again. You need to find yourself and you can do that when you are alone! Get yourself happy first! If someone is a God gift to you, then don’t take …